Guide to Making Efficient Web Design

Web design is complicated. We must consider many things when designing a website, from a visual display (how the website looks) to a functional design (how a website works).

Today, websites are becoming increasingly complex. Just like fashion, website design always changes according to trends. In 2018 alone, there are already predictions of what website design trends you will see on various websites.

Of course with the increasingly complex web design today, it is increasingly difficult for you web developers to build a website from scratch. Client’s own ideas have become more complicated and varied. Therefore, you need a way of planning and work steps that can help you to work on web design projects more efficiently.

Every person and designer does have a different design process according to their own personal comfort. In this article, we will discuss how to design efficiently to help you designers. Especially for those of you who make and develop websites.

Client needs

Web designers usually always think about the web design process by focusing on technical things like code, wireframes, and content management. but you have to keep in mind that the great LinkHelpers Scottsdale Website Design isn’t just about how to make attractive web designs or visuals.

Therefore, it is very important for you to know the purpose of the website that you will create. What do clients really want from this website? Before you start planning your design, gather as much information from your client as possible. The more you know, the faster you can work on web design.

Research, Idea, and Sketch

This section is one of the hardest parts of a project. There are many designers out there who directly use Photoshop or Illustrator and start the design process. In fact, it’s a good idea to first describe a web design like what you want to make on paper.


Wireframe is your website blueprint. This is something that helps give your website a visual structure. Some designers have a tendency to incorporate design elements into Wireframes. This should not be done because the wireframe is actually intended to tell you where the elements are placed, not how this website design will look later. Wireframe should also be in grayscale mode so you focus 100 percent on the web design layout.

Style Tiles

Style tiles or better known as style guides or style guides are a collection of designs for visual branding, a web that usually contains fonts, colors, and interface elements that will help convey the identity of this website to website visitors. Style tiles are also common in accordance with client discussions. The usual elements consist of logos, typography, colors, and the voice brand itself. The following are examples of Style Tiles.

Launch your website

If everything is ready, now is the time for everyone’s favorite part of the web design process: When everything has been thoroughly tested, and you are happy with the website display, you just launch your website.