5 Tips to Ensure Your Health Policy Is Genuine

A health insurance policy is essential coverage that pays for your medical treatment. With the rising costs of health care facilities around the world, health insurance is now a necessity and no longer an option. Afterall, it doesn’t really make sense to exhaust your savings when medical bills can run into several lakhs of rupees. 

Health Insurance

Now, while taking health coverage is important, it is equally essential that the policy you buy is a genuine one. With so many types of fraud happening out there, one really needs to be careful these days. To that effect, here are 5 tips to follow to ensure that your health insurance policy is genuine. 

  1. Call up the provider

If you come across a health insurance policy online that sounds too good to be true, chances are it’s just that. Now, this is not to say that good insurance companies do not offer great deals – sure they do! However, rates that seem way below market average for twice the amount of coverage can be a flashing red warning. One of the best ways to ensure that the insurance company you are dealing with is a genuine one is to call up the toll-free number or the office number and speak to a customer service representative. If no one answers the lines, it is a definite no go.  If someone does answer, do cross question them about policy details. 

  1. Check the email address

Insurance providers usually give out their customer support email ID on their website. Check to see that the email ID is set on the insurance company’s domain and not on some common email service provider’s platform. Genuine policies will always have their own ‘company name’ listed in the domain as opposed to having a Gmail or Hotmail account. 

  1. Search for online reviews

Run a search across customer forums or social media pages to read up what other people are saying about the insurance provider. Don’t be afraid to post a question of your own. Doing this might take a bit more of your time but, it will save you from many hassles in the future when you actually need to make a claim. 

  1. Look up the IRDAI website

Before settling on an insurance provider, make sure to check whether they are registered with the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI). You can do this easily by logging on to the IRDAI website for their complete list of legit insurance companies.  

  1. Read the policy copy

Finally, when you do receive your health insurance policy copy, be sure to check all the details. Check for things such as policyholder name, add-ons, and premium amount paid, among other points of observation to ensure that you have got the policy that you paid for. It would be a mistake to file away the policy copy without reading it first. If you discover any errors, be sure to contact the company to get them rectified immediately so that you do not face hassles in the future when filing a claim. 

Taking a few minutes to follow these steps can protect you from major losses. Afterall, a health policy is your financial safety net during times of ill health and costly medicals. So, make sure that this safety net is a sturdy, reliable, and genuine health insurance plan that will truly protect your interests and well-being. We do hope this article will help you. Take care.