Five Tips for Getting Money When You’re Short on Funds
Although you might feel like you have somehow failed in life because you are short on funds, a lot of people have difficulty maintaining enough savings to cover every potential expense or emergency. Instead of mentally beating yourself up, fix the problem with one or more of these tips :
Look for Short-Term Work
Offer to do chores and gigs for cash, such as mowing lawns, cleaning pools, running errands and performing repairs, via flyers around your town. Typically, you can also find short-term work opportunities through a temp agency that pays weekly. Some of these one-off employment gigs can even lead to a part-time or full-time job or a chance to take free or low-cost skill development courses.
Sell Recyclable Metals and Objects
Many junk and metal scrap yard owners pay for property and materials, such as old computers, vehicles, appliances, copper and aluminum. Look around your home for copper wiring, pipes and kitchenware. Check your recycling for aluminum cans. Additionally, if you have any unwanted items made of gold, silver or other precious metals or gemstones, take them to an antique or jewelry shop.
Make and Sell Craft Items
Upcycle the previously mentioned items and materials and others, including old linens, buttons and jars, by creating homemade crafts like simple jewelry, needlework, artwork and home decor. If you have any skill in this area, you can make some basic crafts within 48 hours. Sell your wares at a yard sale or craft market or online through classified ads websites or social media yard sales groups like the ones found on Facebook.
Go to a Trade Shop
You can take unwanted items to a pawnbroker or trading post shop to sell directly in exchange for cash or to take out a “collateral” loan where you get cash and the shop owner holds onto your property for 30 or more days for a percentage of the total loan amount and a one-time processing or ticket fee. Some shops even extend the repayment period for another small fee the next month so that you have more time to buy back your stuff.
Try to Get an Loan
Apply for a personal loan through a traditional offline lender like a bank or credit union or an installment loan through an online lender like MaxLend at Banks and credit unions typically have strict loan approval requirements and application review periods that take several days. Installment loan lenders have less strict loan approval requirements and usually review applications and approve or reject within 24 business hours.
Many people make claims about “get rich quick” schemes that rarely ever work. The above five tips are proven methods for getting money within a week or less.