What are the Alternatives to Adobe Reader for Editing PDF Documents?
Adobe Reader is the most popular PDF reader on the internet but it lacks a lot of important functions for editing the PDF files. You can use Adobe Reader to add notes and highlight text but it cannot be used for doing other types of editing. Adobe does provide a PDF editing tool through Adobe Acrobat but the expensive price is making people turning to other alternatives.
Online PDF editing service is the best option if you only have a few PDF files to edit and the files you want to edit don’t have any sensitive data. All you need to do is to upload your document to the online PDF editing site and then make the edits. Some online PDF editing sites require you to register for an account. There will also be limitation on the number of PDFs you can edit for free each month.
You can also edit a PDF in Google Docs. To use Google Docs to edit a PDF, you must first have a Google account. Once you have a Google account, you must sign in and go to Google Docs. In Google Docs, you must upload your PDF file and choose the open with Google Docs option. Now, you will be able to edit your PDF file. After you have edited the PDF file, you can download it.
If you have a Mac computer, you should be able to edit your PDF document in a Preview app. The Preview app can be used to make a few types of changes like annotate, rotate/flip, crop, add/delete pages, protect PDF with password, encrypt digital signature, and merge PDF. This app is installed by default on a modern OSX. Therefore, you don’t have to download and install it yourself. However, Preview has a few issues for example, it cannot display the formatting of the questionnaire that consists of radio buttons and check boxes properly.
If you don’t want to use Preview, your best option is to download a third party PDF editor software like Movavi PDF Editor for Mac. The software allows you to load a PDF through the drag and drop feature. It lets you add blank pages in case there are some pages omitted in your PDF that you want to include.
You can add blank pages to note down corrections for errors that are present in the document. After loading the PDF, you must select the page where you want the blank page to be added after it. Next, you must click on the blank page button to add one blank page after it. The software also let you make changes to the pictures embedded in the PDF. You can select the picture and press the Edit Objects button to edit it. The picture can be rotated, cropped, resized or moved to a different place. You can also delete the picture and insert a new picture in its place.
The pages can also be rotated by pressing the rotate button. You can use the copy and paste feature to create a new PDF document based on the existing PDF document. The paste feature allows you to insert a copy signature into a form. The software allows you to convert the edited PDF document to other formats like JPG, PNG, and BMP. Multiple files can be merged into a single document.